Gay Utopia Symposium Now Online

The Gay Utopia symposium that I’ve been working on for the last several months is now online here. Here’s some more info:

The Gay Utopia is an online symposium devoted to exploring that ideal realm in which gender, sexuality, and identity dissolve. It includes poetry, artwork, comics, personal essays, reviews, fiction, drama, slash, and more by Ursula K. Le Guin, Jennifer Baumgardner, Dame Darcy, Johnny Ryan, Ariel Schrag, Julia Serano, Michael Manning, Matt Thorn, Neil Whitacre, Edie Fake, and a host of other contributors.

The forum covers an enormous range of topics,from early animation to Restoration romance novels, from horror films to shojo manga, from the kinship structure of ferns to the relationship between men and trucks. Some highlights are:

–Scott Treleaven classic 1997 essay on an unusual use for the orgasm

–Tabico’s insect-sex-zombie apocalypse

–Paul Nudd’s vile recipes for chutney

— Kinukitty on why teenage girls need more manporn

–gay utopia questions answered by a Giant Squid.

Incidentally, this forum has a fair bit of explicit adult content. Please proceed with caution if that seems advisable.

In other words, the Gay Utopia has something for everyone. Please come by and check it out.

7 thoughts on “Gay Utopia Symposium Now Online

  1. Shulamith Firestone (who I talk about at length in my horror film essay) believes pregnancy is barbaric and should be done away with; children should be grown from tubes. Vom Marlowe has a story in which men turn into pregnant women. Tabico has a story in which humans are infested by giant parasitic wasps and give birth to insects. So there are three possibilities. And, of course, there are many bisexuals and even straight people in the gay utopia who can reproduce just like you (though you don’t have children, right?) You can check the site out yourself and probably find other answers.

  2. Pregnancy should be “Done away with?”
    What if someone wants to be pregnant? What if you don’t like dongs in your pooper? If that’s the kind of insanity floating around on that blog, I think I’ll keep away..

  3. Here is my contribution: We should all chop off our feet because they smell bad!! We’ve got wheelchairs and microwaves and paved roads- End the tyranny now!!!

  4. So far I’ve only had time to check out the Edie Fake contribution, but it was a keeper. Marvelous.

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