Never-Ending Swamp

I haven’t read anything by Brian K. Vaughn, though I’ve been tempted by Last Man a time or two. Anyway, he’s got a long interview in Comics Journal 295 which I was flipping through. One passage caught my eye, in which the interviewer (Sean T. Collins) noted that Vaughn often writes long serials with endings, and wondered why that was, since most ongoing comics don’t have a set completion point. Vaughn responds:

I would say it’s interesting tht it’s only people who love comics who ask me that, whereas it’s a bizarre question to ask someone “Why do your stories have endings?” Because it’s a story. Isn’t that how they work? But because I think we’re all weaned on Spider-Man and Batman and these things that have the illusion of a third act that never completes, that seems strange. But I guess it always felt natural to me. Both Sandman and Preacher were so influential, and I love that they ended and they were better because they did end and the endings gave meaning to everything that came before it. Yeah, it felt right to tell your story and leave and that’s always been appealing to me. I’ve always loved writing endings more than I loved writing beginnings.

Obviously Vaughn isn’t the first one to point this out, but he does put it well — particularly in the way he emphasizes how unusual comic are in this regard. Super-hero comic-books really are unique in the way that the iconic characters not only keep going and going and going, but do so in the context of what is supposed to be a single never-ending story. Mickey Mouse or Beetle Bailey or Tarzan or the Long Ranger or King Arthur or Sherlock Holmes — they all dodder on forever, but it’s all in the context of episodic or separable adventures that don’t presume continuity. While, on the other hand, there are long-running dramas that do have continuity — but even the hoariest of those hasn’t been up for anything like 40 years, I don’t think, and even if they are, characters have to shuffle in and out along the way if just because actors age.

All of which means that the super-hero world is really about the only place you’ll find narratives that, almost literally, never end. And, as Vaughn says, this is bad in a lot of ways. In the first place, endings are fun. Endings are good. Not always, of course — Hollywood endings are often trite and stupid, and sometimes endings can be a dumb pratfall or an over-obvious attempt at bombast or…well, lots of things can go wrong. But still…in a lot of cases, endings are really the best parts. The end of Don Quixote for example, where he briefly regains his sanity, is one of that novels high points; the apocalyptic ending of the Narnia series absolutely kicks ass; the end of James Joyce’s story “The Dead,” one of the great paragraphs in all of literature; the end of Middlemarch, where, after some 1000 pages, we learn that Dorothea never does become the great woman she wanted to be, and why that’s okay; the end of Paradise Kiss for that matter, with its bittersweet anticlimax…I mean, yes, I could have done without the stupid miracle cure ending to Bleak House, obviously –but that doesn’t mean I want to read about Esther Summerson for the rest of my natural life, either.

Ultimately, I think this is why non-comics iterations of super-hero characters are almost always better. I’m not a huge, huge Dark Knight fan or anything, but it has a beginning and a middle and even an end (and yes, there will be a sequel — but not an infinite number of sequels.) Or the animated super-hero cartoons for kids; they’re episodic rather than continuity based, so there isn’t one long wearisome narrative you have to keep up with. Or, for that matter, something like Dark Knight Returns got a lot of its power from the fact that it was out of continuity, so it finished. (And this is also what really distinguishes regular fan fiction from the corporate super-hero kind. Fan fiction stories don’t all link up; one person writes them and they start and they’re (more or less) coherent and then they end.)

This is why, back in th early 90s, I really and truly thought that mini-series would be the salvation of comics aesthetically. Self-contained stories with ends; that had to be good, right? Eh, shows what I know; instead mini-series have turned into a way to advance the mega-Plot, with crossover continuity up the wazoo, bleeding one into the other (infinite secret crisis on multiple identity wars 5) with never a stop.

It’s interesting in this context; Vaughn also talks about working on Swamp Thing, and how Alan Moore was such a hard act to follow on that title. I was reading Swamp Thing every month at the time when Moore left the title, and I remember reading for a few more months (I think Rick Veitch was working on it) but it was really a let down and deeply stupid and…they should have just ended it when Moore left, is the point. His last issue was really a beautiful conclusion, I thought, with Swamp Thing basically retiring, and it was an end, and that’s enough. If somebody else wants to take a crack at this character and this world from a different perspective or in a different medium in ten years…that’s fine. If fans want to do there own thing with this world (Swampy/Constantine slash!), okay. But don’t tack more numbers onto the series and pretend you’re still telling the same story, because that story is done.

0 thoughts on “Never-Ending Swamp

  1. The interesting factor to me is how fans (including writers) expect continuity to “matter,” and yet continuity can’t truly matter if the stories are to go on forever. Otherwise, characters would drift too far from their iconic status quo. So you end up with stories that make reference to the characters’ byzantine histories, yet none of those past events seems to have any lasting relevance (or if there is an impact, it ends when the next writer hops aboard).

    The X-Men are the prime example of this. Characters die, they come back, the Xavier Institute gets blown up, it gets rebuilt, but everyone just keeps trucking along. Life experience becomes annotation.

  2. Soap operas are also basically endless. And much of TV doesn’t have an “ending” in mind…They end when they run out of viewers (like comics end when they run out of buyers)….Although often, in both cases, endings are tacked on when series’ end.

    The Simpsons seems to never end, but it’s still pretty good. Endings may be overrated….It depends on the type of story being told, if it needs an end.

    Life itself goes on interminably without any real structure….Of course this may be why art is different

  3. The Simpsons is episodic, not especially plot or continuity based. TV dramas often outrun their usefulness for reasons much like this…but none of them last for 60, or even 30 years, in any case.

  4. A few of the daytime soaps have been around for decades. One Life to Live has been on TV since 1968 (according to Wikipedia).

    But I agree with Noah that they aren’t truly analogous to an ongoing superhero comic, since the actors age and their characters are gradually phased out.

  5. But superheroes age too, slowly. The main problem is precisely this, actually. When comics were more concerned with the mystery story of the month they were telling…or the supervillain they were fighting…and less concerned with the continuing soap opera drama of the protagonist’s lives (this begins, I think, with the Marvel Age in the sixties..), then their never-ending nature wasn’t really a problem. When they wanted to tell stories about characters’ change, development, and growth, they ran into trouble…since once the growth was over, they were still stuck telling stories (as in Moore’s Swampy). Siegel and Shuster’s monthly Superman adventures good go on forever because Supes/Clark/Lois never really change…the “real” story is the monthly fight with whoever. If the fights or “cases” are interesting it works fine…when DC starts worrying about each month being some kind of “earth-shaking” change for Supes or Bats or whoever, it all goes to hell.

  6. It’s funny you mentioned Veitch’s follow-up work on Swamp Thing. He had pretty intimate knowledge of how Alan Moore wanted to end Swamp Thing. He was probably the best and worst person to carry on, since even he likely realized there was little point. The whole crux of the storyline was Swam Thing going, “Why can’t I retire? Why do I keep getting dragged in crossovers?”

  7. “Guiding Light” has been on the air constantly since 1937, but there is no comparison to superhero comics — the show today has no connection to the show then. Different characters, different stories, even a different location. Superhero comics are expected to stay “the same” for the duration — Superman has been around constantly since 1938, and is basically the same since then — sure, Clark married Lois, but it’s still Clark and Lois.