Sex and the Sensitive New Age Guy

Tom recently sent me an email asking me to explain why I hate contemporary literature and why I care about sexism. Not sure anyone else is interested, and confessional literature is always dicey, but since I’ve had a special request:

As far as contemporary literature goes, I’ve explained myself more or less here and here. For a while there I was trying to be a poet and reading a lot of poetry, which gave my hatred for the contemporary literary scene bite and drive. These days I pretty much just avoid it, which makes me happier, but means I don’t have quite the same impetus to write at length about it.

For the sexism; I don’t know that I am actually any more interested in, or opposed to, sexism than your average everyday liberal, Oberlin educated SNAG. My mom worked full time; my dad, as a professor, had more flexible hours, so he was more or less the primary caregiver. Both of them always made it clear that this arrangement was fine, and that sexism of any sort was wrong. I remember standing up to a couple teachers in high school when they made some cracks about girls not being as smart as guys. The other boys in class were aghast, but I was definitely thinking, “You can’t say that about my mom!” I don’t know…that’s one of the things I’ve done that I’m definitely proud of, but though I’d like to line up those data points and end up with “Noah Berlatsky: Champion of Women’s Equality!” I don’t think it would necessarily wash.

As Tom noted, I do write a fair bit about sexism and feminism. That has something to do with my liberal politics, certainly, but it also has a lot to do with my interest in…well, me. In my experience, at least, feminists tend to have the most interesting things to say about masculinity, just as black writers tend to have the most interesting things to say about race and whiteness. If you look at my two longest pieces on sexuality (here and here, they both use feminist theory to talk about masculinity — especially about masculine sexuality, and the relationship between masculinity and desire. Both are me trying to figure out why I get pleasure (of various kinds) from certain genres, and trying to figure out how that plugs into various social and political concerns. (This is true of the Wonder Woman blogging as well; I think my next essay for comixology will make that more clear.)

The above is something of a psychological explanation, and is perhaps unduly demeaning (as psychological explanations tend to be.) I could also explain my interest from a more ineffable aesthetic perspective, I guess; much of my favorite artwork and writing deals with gender and sexuality, and trying to understand it or interact with it has led me to write or think a lot about those topics.

I mean, I don’t want to disavow any political commitment. Obviously, I hope when I write about or use feminism that I’m doing something to advance the cause — perhaps by revealing some of the ways sexism works or how sexuality and sexism can be tied together or teased apart in our imaginations. But I guess I feel like women — or anyone really — would do well to mistrust men who claim to be leading the fight or to be acting out of especially altruistic motives. Sex and gender ulimately interest me because, like most people, I’m interested in sex, and, like everybody, I have a gender.

So that’s my best effort at a response. If it seems self-indulgent or tedious…well, I would encourage you all to blame Tom.

0 thoughts on “Sex and the Sensitive New Age Guy

  1. Hello Noah. I was reading your older piece that you linked above, and it made me wonder if you have seen this:

    Wherein B.R Myers talks at length about why he hates every bit of literature published it the last fifty years, especially Cormac McCarthy, but especially Don Delillo.

  2. Yeah, I love that piece. I was thinking of linking to it actually — so thank you for providing the link I was too lazy to track down!

  3. I don’t think you need to feel bad about talking about yourself on your own blog. If we can’t be self-indulgent in the blogosphere, then the terrorists have won.

  4. Hardehar, Miriam. Fine, make fun of my liberal arts education. At least I don’t live in Canada, you socialist.

  5. Hey Noah,

    I just finished reading your fecund horror piece in the Gay Utopia and I am completely blown away. You’ve masterfully articulated what’s compelling about fecund horror.

    But I leave the essay wanting more. I was wondering if you could suggest more films, books, scholarship, whatever on the fecund horror topic and on the definition f masculinity via horror.

    Y’know, if you have time.

    Thanks again. My mind is blown.


  6. Hey Mojo. Thanks for the kind words! The best book I’ve read about horror and masculinity is Carol Clover’s “Men, Women, and Chainsaws.” It’s pretty fantastic. Julia Kristeva’s “Power of Horror” is more abstract theoryish, but is pretty awesome. Barbara Creed has a book on the monstrous feminine about gender and horror film, the title of which escapes me, but which is pretty interesting. Robin Wood has written various essays about horror; he’s a fine writer, though maybe a little simplistic, maybe.

    There is a bib at the end of the essay, too, which could probably point you to a couple of other sources.

    And if you liked that essay, you could read my essay on women in prison films which discusses similar themes.

    I’ve also got an essay on the Friday the 13th films out in May on Brightlights Film Journal which might be of interest.

    You could certainly also read more of Tabico’s work, most of which is fecund horror to one extent or another.

    Sooo…hope that’s somewhat helpful anyway. Thanks again for your interest! Long live the squid!

  7. I sort of wonder how you define “sexism”. It seems like we take its meaning for granted, but its used to describe fairly divergent ideas. Care to expand?

  8. Noah, I’ll check out those links on the lit question.

    I didn’t expect at all what you said about feminism. I kind of assumed there’d be an ideological explanation, and instead it’s personal. Anyway, I can relate. I hope I would have done the same in that hs class.

  9. Well, you know what they say at Oberlin: “the personal is political.”