Watchmen and Peter Greenaway

Jog has a pretty hilarious post imagining Watchmen directed by Peter Greenaway.

Personally, the Watchmen I want to see is a BBC miniseries version; maybe 24 episodes, great acting by decidedly uncomely actors, campy, embarrassing costumes, bad special effects, poorly blocked fight scenes — basically Watchmen as Dr. Who.

I’m probably the only one who finds that idea appealing, though….

0 thoughts on “Watchmen and Peter Greenaway

  1. I’d watch that BBC version for sure. Have you seen the BBC Day of the Triffids? Great stuff.

  2. No; Day of the Triffids sounds great. Not as enormously, mind-meltingly great as the BBC version of the Tripods trilogy, though. I so, so want to see that, but it seems to be completely unavailable…..

  3. Dr. Who-style production values are not just the only way to adapt Watchmen but would be an improvement on the original. The comic wanted to be that all along.