Super Wonder Frontier (OOCWVG)

This is the latest in a series of posts about post-Marston iterations of Wonder Woman. For those of you waiting for me to continue my blogging through the original Wonder Woman series; my apologies for the delay. I promise I will get back to it next week.

I dumped on Darwyn Cooke’s mediocre New Frontier yesterday, and I’ll stand by that. I do like his art, though; nice color palette, and he combines the cartoony TV show style with a tactile realism that’s really charming. I like the way Superman and Flash’s costumes are a little baggy, for example.

I also quite like his Wonder Woman drawings. He very cleverly finds lots of excuses to get her out of the swimsuit, and he also draws her in a zaftig cheesecake pin-up style that’s hard to resist. This panel is positively luscious.

Darwyn Cooke Wonder Woman

Cooke’s obviously quite plugged into Marston’s lesbian fantasy dreaming there, with tongue all the way in cheek (if that is the metaphor I want.) His characterization of WW is fairly enjoyable too; there’s one sequence where he has her free a bunch of Vietnamese women from their captors, allows them to butcher the villains, and then leads them in celebration. It’s true that this is a rather tasteless effort to gin up meaningfulness by piggybacking on Important World Tragedy –but if you can get past that, you have to admit that it’s a pretty entertaining twist on Marston’s bondage fetish. I also enjoyed seeing WW all bloodthirsty and cheerful about it, rather than earnest and dour as she is so often portrayed. Instead, it’s Superman who has to be all boring; he’s the stuffed shirt appalled at the butchery, while WW gets to be the loose canon (“I’m over here winning the hearts and minds of the disenfranchised,” she tells him confidentially).

There is a problem, though. WW does get to be the wise free spirit, a la Wolverine. But she gets to be so only in relation to that stuffed-shirt, Superman. WW hardly has a scene in the whole comic that doesn’t also feature Superman, and her function is essentially to serve as a muse for his conflict/self-actualization. Yes, she is supposed to have come to some sort of understanding about American policy herself, I guess…but Cooke cuts her off, literally in mid-sentence, before she can articulate it. But that’s okay, because her own thinking isn’t really all that important. She’s beautiful and smart and thoughtful and adventurous and daring…and all of that is in the service of getting Superman to realize that he’s the symbolic icon of wonderfulness who must lead America to greatness. That scene in south asia is thematically staged for Superman’s benefit. So, I think, is the lesbian daydream in the image above. We see WW and her Amazon sisters frolicking…and then one of them gasps “It’s a man!” and we see Superman fly in, and Diana tells him “Come fly with me, Kal,” and if that isn’t enough of a come on, she then goes on to tell him how wonderful his values are. Yay! Later she gives him a kiss and that inspires him to assume the leadership role that he’s fated for because he’s…Superman!

This is hardly the first time this has happened, of course. In these massive crossover alternate universe things, WW is always getting relegated to the helpmate/soulmate/lead you to your destiny role in support of Superman and/or Batman. It happens in DKII, and seems to more or less be a theme in Kingdom Come as well (I’ve only skimmed that.) Darwyn Cooke uses it himself in other stories. League of One is kind of the exception which proves the rule; there, WW takes up all the oxygen, and everyone else (especially Superman) is just a nonentity revolving around her psychodrama. Basically, it just seems very hard for people to figure out a way to have Supes and WW exist in the same space without treating one of them as an appendage.

Which makes sense, since, basically, they’re the same character. I mean, of course, all superheroes are based on Superman to some degree, but Wonder Woman was deliberately designed not just to riff on the superhero idea, but to actually function, narratively and psychologically the way Superman does. Marston said this himself; he was basically creating a female Superman. Now, making Superman female meant a number of very specific things to Marston (more bondage for example), and WW is different than Superman in a lot of ways. But she’s the same in that her point is really to be a paragon; the quintessence of heroism. She’s not like the Flash who’s just superfast, or Batman who’s just smart and resourceful, or even Green Lantern, who has a defined power. She’s everything to everybody. She’s superfast, she’s got superstrength, she’s superwise, and she’s just the best at everything she does. That’s the character; that’s what her stories are about.

So when you put her in a story with Superman…well, one of them has to lose focus. If it was Marston, of course, that one would be Superman, and it would be all about how men, even superman, have to submit to women, and love their submission, and so forth. But, alas, Marston’s dead, and what we get instead is the much more conventional idea that women (even wonder women) are mostly there to serve as supportive figures in male psychodrama.

It’s too bad, too, because, as I said, I think Cooke likes the character, and has some good ideas for her, and overall could probably write a decent story about her if he wasn’t so desperate to use her to shore up Superman’s ego (or Batman’s, I guess.) I shudder to read Trinity, though. I can see that being quite, quite bad.

Update: Richard points out in comments that Darwyn Cooke did not, in fact, have anything to do with the Trinity series. So maybe I should check it out after all. Or, then again, probably not.

8 thoughts on “Super Wonder Frontier (OOCWVG)

  1. Are you referring to the Trinity mini-series by Matt Wagner? Wonder Woman definitely got poorly treated in that one. I think she spent most of book either praising Superman or getting rescued by Batman.

    Or are you referring to the Trinity weekly series by Busiek and Bagley? I never read that, but it seemed to be mostly continuity porn.

  2. Huh. I think I was referring to the weekly series, which I thought was by Cooke…but apparently not. Shows what I know.

  3. Too much Superman, not enough ungulates. Pity. His art is kind of charming. I'd like to see him draw something with a good storyline.

  4. I remember her being kind of violent and nasty, too. Am I thinking of the right thing?

    It occurs to me that Wonder Woman has problems working in a shared universe. Even moreso than most other characters that is. Even in the most diluted versions of the character the message is still Yay! Girl Power!

    (Nah. I tell a lie. It's hard to get that from the Kannigher run or her first couple appearances in Brave and the Bold where she quits being a superhero because it's too masculine and she wants to wear dresses and hang out in Paris with her boyfriend* )

    But in every version that even sort of gets the point, it's about the alpha female being as capable as any dude.

    Which is tough to pull off when you've got all these Alpha Males running around in the same story. If Wonder Woman (or at least Etta) can't be The Best and the Wisest, there ain't much point. League of One might have actually been the closest. If WW and Supes are going to share the same space, they should fight.

    (Ditto for the real, original Captain Marvel.)

    * And, obviously, this is actually kind of brilliant in a Bob Haney kinda way.

  5. I think it's partially too that the original WW had an actual aesthetic vision in a way that most of the other superheroes didn't (even Superman really.) It's the same thing with Plastic Man; watching him interact with other heroes is just kind of wrong.

  6. Yeah, that's true, especially with stuff with New Frontier which (you say, right) is at least aesthetically aware of the original work.

    Although this is less true in the "real" DCU, where every trace of Marston's singular artistic vision was homogenized out decades ago.

  7. I don't think it's quite that easy to homogenize out; she remains a very odd character. Same with Plastic Man; he just doesn't fit. Or so it seems to me, anyway.

  8. “So when you put her in a story with Superman…well, one of them has to lose focus. If it was Marston, of course, that one would be Superman, and it would be all about how men, even superman, have to submit to women, and love their submission, and so forth”

    I can totally see Superman the modest farm boy / newspaper reporter doing that, and it would be seriously in character for the original version of Superman — who is of course long-lost in the DC Universe, having disappeared when Siegel and Shuster were fired or even earlier.

    “Clark! There are people over there who need rescuing: rescue them at once!”
    “Yes, of course, Diana!”
    “Now go do that research Lois asked you to do! She needs it by tomorrow!”
    “Yes, of course, Diana!”

    I wouldn’t have minded seeing that. *sigh* It seems completely in character for that very early Superman.

    (Is it really coincidental that Shuster did bondage artwork specifically with female dommes and male subs? I think not!)

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