Wonder Woman Sucks

The Silver Age version that is, according to the Jones Boys in this post, which is on much the same wavelength (and I’d like to think (perhaps delusionally) even a little bit a reaction to) my interminable musings on Marston and all things WW.

0 thoughts on “Wonder Woman Sucks

  1. He keeps calling the artist "Peters" though. I suppose it's written in haste and an honest mistake.

  2. I've called him "Peters" a time or two myself, I'm pretty sure. I sort of blame Harry G. for flagrantly leaving the "s" off his name when it's so clearly meant to be there, actually. It's just seems careless of him.

  3. Actually, "Harry Peter" is a funny name…and I think it's funnier without the "s." Marston actually changed his name a few times, I believe…so it's a mine field

  4. As far as I know, Marston only used one pseudonym: Charles Moulton, which was the name under which he wrote the WW books.

    Harry Peter is funny. I'm not sure Harry Peters isn't just as good, though.

  5. I had business correspondence with a "Harry Cylinder" a couple of times. That always made me laugh (yes, always).