Utilitarian Review 12/24/11

We’re going to be off tomorrow and the 26th, because I am just that assimilated. Never fear though; we’ll be back on Tuesday with (hopefully!) Caro’s massive concluding post to our Godard roundtable.

I talk about sin, salvation and Celine Dion.

Warren Craghead drew a 120+ page shot-by-shot remake of Godard’s Breathless.

Matthias Wivel talks about the problems with ideological critique in reference to Habibi and HU. (Eddie Campbell responded on his blog, and Heidi responded at the Beat.

I put together a downloadable death metal music mix.

Robert Stanley Martin on the photography of Brassai.

I talk about Octavia Butler and feminist submission.

And Tom Crippen curated a gallery of Robert Binks’ holiday cards and other art.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At Splice Today, I talk about how I’d kind of consider voting for Ron Paul.

At the Atlantic I review the Black Power Mixtape, a DVD composed of Swedish footage of the black power movement.

Also at the Atlantic, I talk about Spielberg, Herge, and race.
Other Links

Tom Spurgeon interviews Tucker Stone.

Neal Pollack on his relationship with Christopher Hitchens.

3 thoughts on “Utilitarian Review 12/24/11

  1. Do you think Ron Paul’s two admirable stances, being anti-war-on-drugs, and opposed to warmongering, would last if he was seriously close to getting the GOP nomination? Look at with what unseemly haste John Character is Destiny McCain jettisoned his best policies, to cater to the Right.

    And Mussolini savagely cracked down on the Mafia and “made the trains run on time.” The trick is to see whether the negatives outweigh the pluses. In Paul’s

    See “A Collection of Ron Paul’s Most Incendiary Newsletters” at http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/98883/ron-paul-incendiary-newsletters-exclusive

    People looking for an idealistic hero famously latch onto Paul with a messianic fervor, choosing to look past his opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act (which outlawed racial segregation and employment discrimination), his absolutist stance against abortion in any and all circumstances, his links to the John Birch Society, the reams of racist newsletters put out in his name, and his links to the Christian Reconstructionist ideology that aims to bring civil law in line with the law of the Hebrew Bible, where adulterers and gay men are stoned in the public square…
    Much more, at http://www.alternet.org/teaparty/153511/How_Ron_Paul_Could_Win_Iowa_Caucuses_–_and_Screw_Up_Everything_/?page=1

  2. Paul’s really different from McCain, first. Second, if he were going to moderate those positions, now would be the time to do it, not in the general. If he’s anti-imperium in the republican primary, I think that means he’s ready to be anti-imperium in the general.

    But happy holidays, either way!

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