Jon? What Are You Doing Back There?

I’m not the first to have noticed this,, but I happened to see Adam Hughes promo cover for Before Watchmen and….

Given Jon’s usual free-swinging ways, the position of his hands, and Laurie’s distracted expression, it’s hard to escape the suspicion that we’re being treated to a scene from the action here.

Charitably, one could consider this a friendly Lost Girls tribute. Less charitably, one could surmise that it’s a smug thumb (or something) in the eye to Alan Moore, telling him right out what DC and its new creators plan to do to his characters. Least charitably, it points simply to the usual level of utter mainstream comics cluelessness. DC’s disinterest in women is apparently so extreme that they can’t even be bothered to look at their flaccid cheesecake before they slap it up there on their marketing campaign for all the world to see.

14 thoughts on “Jon? What Are You Doing Back There?

  1. You are likely putting more thought into this bullshit than anyone at any part of the creative process behind these books.

  2. Ha!…although the angle doesn’t look right (but we shouldn’t start debating this, I don’t think). Actually, to me, the cover definitely read as if Laurie’s back was to the reader, with her facing Jon. I guess it’s because you can barely see her face, and so I thought it was just hair; and then there’s also the detailing at the bottom of the skirt…again, probably best not to discuss this in at great length. They should have gone instead with Chip Zdarsky’s idea of all-blue-anus, all-the-time.

    Related: is it just me, or does it look, on his cover, like Nite Owl is sitting on the toilet? What kind of chimney looks like that?

  3. The funny thing is, Adam Hughes is not a great artist or anything, but his cheesecake is usually competent at least. It’s almost as if he’s phoning it in for a paycheck here.

  4. Given that it is indeed Adam Hughes, I suspect it’s not at all supposed to be cheesecake; when that guy does cheesecake, you *know* it. I’d guess they were trying to show the power relationship between them (what is it, BDSM day?) and the contrast between them in “powers”, status, personality etc.

    It just occurred to me: this identical cover would look very different had Dave Sim drawn it…you can’t get much more Simian than the glowing embodiment of Power and Pure (i.e. unemotional) Reason being eclipsed by the dark void!

  5. Noah,
    You caught me on a bad day. Usually I am able to hide my grammar tyrant ways, but disinterest means neutral, you mean lack of interest, so I’d choose apathy as the word to replace disinterest in your post. (Also unique means one of a kind, not special or rare. A snowflake is unique, but there is nothing or rare about one).

    Yes, I am that guy, God help me.

  6. Heh. That’s okay. I’m that other guy…the one who argues that usage changes, and that, therefore, “disinterest” really does now mean “lack of interest.”

    Also ending a sentence with a preposition is nothing to be ashamed of.

  7. Last comment because I actually don’t like Watchmen. Everyone’s a jerk, you’re so deep Alan.

    But I still think apathy is the better word. My take on DC and female readers is that they’d like them, but they don’t actually want to do the work. It’s “hard” writing for women compared to doing the same stuff we’ve been doing.

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