Utilitarian Review 5/30/15


Featured Archive Post: Nora Olsen on the history of YA novels.

Robert Stanley Martin begins his series on comic on sale dates, first post from 1906-1939.

Phillip Smith wonders if Fury Road is all that feminist.

Michael Carson on how HBO killed art.

Chris Gavaler on his new novel, which features art by a Ditko impersonator (contact Chris if you want to be the artist in question!)

Me on N.K. Jemisin and race in fantasy vs. race in superhero comics.

Me on the meta-awfulness of Dollhouse.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At the Guardian I talked about how Fury Road borrows from and mainstreams women in prison films.

At Ravishly I wrote about Ex Machina and AI as femme fatale.

At Splice Today I argued, contra Conor Friedersdorf, that police brutality against white people is still based in systemic racism.
Other Links

Katie Kilkenny on whether action heroines can be too masculine.

Lydia Kokkola on Twilight and virginity.

Bert Stabler did an amazing piece of art on Obama’s death threats.

Great interview with Judith Butler on trans issues.



6 thoughts on “Utilitarian Review 5/30/15

  1. I notice that at the same time you close the comments section on the Spiegelman article claiming “we’ve had this discussion repeatedly” you’re busy trolling Spiegelman on Twitter. Just saying.

  2. I’m not trolling Spiegelman? I don’t even think he’s on twitter.

    I was talking about Spiegelman…but he keeps being in the news saying stupid crap. That’s not my fault.

  3. Oh my goodness gracious, now that I’ve learned that Spiegelman is not on twitter I must withdraw my point that the discussion is not over and you’re actively driving it.

  4. Uh…the discussion on the closed Spiegelman post was a rehash of a Charlie Hebdo discussion we’ve had on the blog like 50 times. New discussions on new matters are new. IMO; you can differ if you’d like, obviously.

    Your phrasing suggested that I was trolling Spiegelman himself, which I wasn’t. I guess that wasn’t what you meant though. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  5. Well, you’re still talking about Charlie Hebdo on twitter, so obviously you consider the discussion worth having, just not in the comments to Kim O’Connor’s article, or Jacob Canfield’s, or…

  6. We’re having a somewhat different discussion than the one we’ve had over and over.

    You don’t like the way I moderate comments here? Go to another site. There are thousands and thousands. We won’t miss you.

Comments are closed.