Utilitarian Review 6/11/16

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Featured Archive Post: Consuela Francis and Qiana Whitted on Captain America: Truth.

bit of a short week…though we do have more for next week, I promise.

Chris Gavaler explores the line between abstraction and narrative in comics.

On the tragedy of being named Noah.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At the Establishment I wrote about indigent defense, and how it can reduce mass incarceration.

At Quartz I wrote about how even if Mexico is not a race, Trump’s comments about Mexicans are still racist.

At The Week I wrote about Al Giordano, an activist and organizer threatening to run against Sanders for the VT Senate seat in 2018.

At Splice Today I wrote about:

Dracula A.D. 1972 and old vampires same as new vampires.

third parties, which don’t work in the United States.
Other Links

Daniel Harper on Death Proof.

Cripin Sartwellon why Stephen Hawking doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

John M. Harris praises the Confederacy.

2 thoughts on “Utilitarian Review 6/11/16

  1. Noah:

    ‘bit of a short week…though we do have more for next week, I promise.’

    Now that sounds rather apolegetic, but I say no apology is due; If you don’t have anything in a proper finished state to publish, don’t publish anything.

    I’m sickened by how sites such as Huffington Post, Daily Beast, Salon, Slate and Gawker clog the Net with mindless filler. This even infects such “quality” sites as the BBC, the Guardian, and the Washington Post.

    Resist, hombre, resist!

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