Utilitarian Review 5/13/17


My new book on women directors, The Consequences of Feminism is coming! You can see the table of contents at the link and various ways to secure a copy.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At Playboy I wrote about the new Guy Ritchie King Arthur which doesn’t care at all about King Arthur and is kind of great.

At the Chronicle of Higher Education I wrote about how academic presses need to assert fair use rights.

At Splice Today I wrote about:

Jesse Singal’s use of bigoted arguments to defend Rebecca Tuvel’s piece on transracialism.

Remains of the Day and rich fascists.

Utilitarian Review 5/6/17

On Patreon

Ackerman’s Jean Dielman and exploitation.

I wrote about why Rebecca Tuvel’s argument for transracialism is bad. And added a little analogy to make it clearer.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At Bandcamp I wrote about a wonderful new album by FIN.

At Playboy I wrote about how free speech doesn’t mean you can’t cancel your NYT subscription.

At Splice Today I wrote about

Brad Stephens as a nepotism hire at the Times.

—Gwyneth Jones’ Proof of Concept as sublimely confusing sf.

how J.D. Vance hates poor people.

—Total Recall and fascism.

Utilitarian Review 4/28/17

On Patreon

Lost in Translation, Pretty Woman, and butt as genre.

Advantageous vs. Get Out.

I wrote a couple posts about True Blood:

—one on vampires as persecuted white people.

—one on camp characters in a not particularly camp show.

Utilitarians Everywhere

At Slate I wrote about the anti-war movement’s desperate need to push specific policy proposals.

At Splice Today I wrote about

—some great new Stoner Rock albums.

The Promise and lying to ourselves about remembering the Armenian genocide.

Utilitarian Review 4/22/17

On Patreon

Rosemary’s Baby and the disappointing ending of Get Out.

The lousy Mycroft arc in Elementary.

Born in the U.S.A. sucks.

For Patrons, I wrote about The Babadook and gender swapping in horror.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At Splice Today I wrote about:

why twitter is (sometimes) less toxic than Facebook.

New metal releases from The Bug vs. Earth, Oozepus, and Celestial Bodies.

D.M. Thomas’ White Hotel and the Holocaust as spectacle.

I was in a little list of freelancers discussing their favorite gigs.

Utilitarian Review 4/15/17

On Patreon

the 30 Greatest albums ever! (take two.)

The cover of my new book on women film directors, revealed! It’s by romance novelist and graphic designer Jacqueline Sweet.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At the LA Times I wrote about Sean Spicer’s Holocaust gaffe and the white bubble.

At Playboy I wrote about why Chris Hemsworth is adorable. Also hot.

At Quartz I explained that art is not a meritocracy, so you should love your fellow artists.

At Splice Today I wrote about:

—the film Voyage of the Damned, and complicity with fascism.

—why Offred in the Handmaid’s Tale should be black.

Utilitarian Review 4/7/17

On Patreon

I did a list of the thirty greatest albums ever.

A couple other folks made best of album lists too

And here’s a list of the top 5 albums ever. (one more list next week and then we’re done, I promise.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At Buzzfeed I wrote about The Zookeeper’s Wife and gentile savior films.

At the Forward I wrote about Ghost in the Shell and whitewashing Asians and Jews alike.

At the New Republic I argued that Bernie Sanders saying “liberal elites” is basically the left punching itself right in the face.

At Splice Today I wrote about

Salon Kitty and the allure of sexy,corrupt fascists.

the anti-war left, which needs a strategy better than, “warmongers are bad”.

At the Reader I wrote about the 9 piece country rock outfit Sweet Spirit.

Utilitarian Review 4/1/17


The first column in the romance novel criticism series I’m editing at Public Books went up. Kathleen Gilles Seidel wrote about Jane Austen in space!

On Patreon

An extended version of my essay on Advantageous, and neoliberal hell.

Utilitarians Everywhere

At Reason I wrote about Tom Nichols’ inexpert book on the death of expertise.

At the Forward I wrote about how Magneto has always been a Nazi.

At Quartz I wrote about:

Stealing Fire and billionaires self-actualizing.

Maxine Waters, and listening to black women rather than Trump voters.

At Flavorwire I interviewed Nnedi Okorafor about her novella Binti, colonialism and jellyfish.

At Random Nerds I wrote about B’wana Beast!!!! and rejiggering the Mighty Whitey trope.

At Playboy I wrote about Life, which is Alien for scrubbed professionals who hate immigrants.

At Trackrecord I interviewed the folks at Audiotree about the business of making live video recordings for indie bands.

At Splice Today I wrote about:

how you should buy my book.

Dirty Harry and the fascism that dare not speak its name.

the Spider-Man trailer which looks like all the other MCU trailers, yay.