More Leftwing Comics

I was complaining about them here. Now there comes news that Japan will produce a manga version of Das Kapital. Will it be better than Howard Zinn’s American Empire? Not likely, because all manga sucks (bid for controversy). The Independent reports here.

(I should note that the link comes by way of Ezra Klein.)

0 thoughts on “More Leftwing Comics

  1. If you just wanna say manga adaptations suck, I’m with you. I’ve got East Press’ version of Sakaguchi Ango, and it’s awful.

    Their Manga Mein Kampf is here for the right-wingers in the audience.

  2. Actually I don’t have any big feelings about manga. The stuff just bounces off me, like jazz or football or many other possibly worthwhile things.

    But I never would have thought there was a manga version of Mein Kampf. Your link presents us with a classic case of a comment overshadowing a post.

    Finally, seeing as how you’re a blogger here, how about a post on why manga adapatations suck?