Who Has Catalogued the Watchmen?

I’m doing a column on Alan Moore and Watchmen, and as part of my preparation I just went thru the comic and made notes about the various recurring images and symbols that pop up thru the length of the work. Has anyone else done this? It seems like an obvious step for some geek (aside from myself) to take, and I’d like to backstop my attempt with somebody else’s.

0 thoughts on “Who Has Catalogued the Watchmen?

  1. Sounds like something an academic would build a career on; I knew the guy who did it with Gravity’s Rainbow.

    Check out Michigan State’s comics database, maybe there’s an article in the Proceedings of the Northeast American Episcopal Philological Society or something.

  2. Wow, that is a great link. No articles pertaining to my specific need of the moment, but still a lot of interesting stuff.

    It turns out TCJ did a review of Watchmen in 1987 called “Furriners.” And Basque state TV did a four-part series on the history of the comics in 1990.