Steven Spielberg: Five Minute Hate

220px-Steven_Spielberg_Cannes_2013_3Apparently the film Selma was unable to use text from Martin Luther King’s speeches in part because Steven Spielberg is squatting on the rights for a potential King biography. It sounds like the fault is really more with the King family than with Spielberg, but what the hey; any excuse is a good excuse to cast aspersions on America’s (and the world’s) crappiest filmmaker.

So, with that in mind, I thought I’d provide a round-up of my posts on Spielberg from here and there. In no particular order:

On the crappiness of Raiders of the Lost Ark

On the crappiness of The Tintin film.

On the crappiness of Minority Report.

On the crappiness of Lincoln and Amistad.

I think that’s it, more or less. I hate Schindler’s List probably more than any other film ever, but for that reason I’ve avoided revisiting it to write about it.

3 thoughts on “Steven Spielberg: Five Minute Hate

  1. Funny how after reading most of those articles the subject of handling race is the lightning rod for much of your ire.

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