Utilitarian Review 11/21/15

Screen Shot 2015-11-21 at 7.21.26 AMOn HU

Featured Archive Post: Me on Love and Rockets and nostalgia.

Marguerite Dabaie on the Lebanese comics anthology Samandal, which has been almost put out of business by charges of insulting Christianity.

Chris Gavaler on whether superheroes should have a license to kill.

Me on how school reform can’t fix schools.

Jimmy Johnson on the pop apocalypse and indigenous genocides.

Robert Stanley Martin with on sale dates of comics from the mid-1950s.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At the Guardian I wondered what a Thelma and Louise cast with guys would look like.

At the Establishment I wrote about

how trans women aren’t given a voice in the media on trans women’s issues.

—why we should consider Katniss a superhero.

At Ravishly I wrote about Lupita Nyong’o as CGI, and Star Wars’ history of not seeing blackness.

At Splice Today I wrote about

—how the artist’s identity is part of the art.

how inflated military budgets make us less safe.

—how 538 bungled their piece on Jindal’s exit from the race.
Other Links

Anil Dash on Jindal and the South Asian community.

From a bit back, Tara Burns on Katha Pollitt telling her she wasn’t the right kind of sex trafficking victim.

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