Not Being Able to Sew on Project Runway

Well, here’s something different. I finally figured out how to use storify, and I’m interested in archiving my babbling about project runway…so what the hey, thought I’d put it here in case anyone’s interested. This is one of my recent project runway rants. Enjoy! (or not.)



10 thoughts on “Not Being Able to Sew on Project Runway

  1. I think the bottom line is that if you wish to avoid solipsism and narcissism, some technique is necessary to efficiently communicate to others.

    Plus, technique scares off the livestock. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Natural.

  2. Except that in some cases technique seems to contribute to solipsism and narcissism. Also, solipsism and narcissism aren’t always bad things in art. (Or else I couldn’t love prog rock.)

    I think there are different kinds of technique…including, say, conceptual sophistication, which can go along with deskilling…

  3. I agree wholeheartedly, Noah but at least for draftsmanship, genuine skill only comes with genuine self-awareness. If you really want to draw, you must learn to see and once you learn that, everything is naked to you, especially yourself.

    The final stage of technique is learning to let go off it … but you have to wait for it, work for it … and the conceptual part is indivisible from strong draftsmanship.

  4. “for draftsmanship, genuine skill only comes with genuine self-awareness.” Picasso is a good candidate for the least self aware great artist in any form ever, so that would seem to be an obstacle to this theory.

  5. I think Picasso proves my point, Graham … how much better he would have been if he had learned to draw for something besides money and his ego. His total oeuvre is singularly unimpressive when compared to financial/critical popularity.

    The draftsmen I’m thinking of … later Rembrandt … later Michelangelo … Tiepolo … Moebius at times … my favorite, Rubens

  6. Sure, Rembrandt, Michelangelo, and Rubens are better than Picasso. But it’s simply a fact that Picasso did have “genuine skill.”

  7. Suspicious, that we all agree … must be post Xmas good cheer …
    Picasso was very skilled but utterly pig lazy … which was why no one called him an a********* (hee hee)

    RB Kitaj was a modern draftsman I always fancied …

    Hate Week beckons

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