Utilitarian Review 9/24/16



My ebook Your Favorite Superhero Sucks came out this week. Buy one if you haven’t!

Sean Kleefeld wrote a nice review of the book.

Kit Power wrote a nice review of my first ebook, Fecund Horror.

Utilitarians Everywhere

At Quartz I wrote about:

—how cop shows from SVU to the Wire show cops as necessary.

—the Magnificent Seven reboot and post-racial heroes making the west safe for white people.

At the Guardian I wrote about Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Brangelina’s secret relationship.

At Lithub I interviewed Sady Doyle about her new book Trainwreck and how the world loves to see women self destruct.

At Splice Today I wrote about:

how Aaron Sorkin loves the patriarchy.

how David Brooks hates his country.

how Glenn Reynolds hates free speech.