Utilitarian Review 10/1/16



My ebook Fecund Horror is free this weekend. Download and share!

Osvaldo Oyola wrote a (somewhat negative) review of Your Favorite Superhero Sucks.

For Patrons, a revision of my vampire genocide essay.

A piece on Hammer’s 1972 Vampire Circus, and the sexualization of desexualizing children.

The intro and table of contents for my Hammer vampire book.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At Random Nerds I wrote about Nnedi Okorafor’s wonderful Binti and reverse colonialism narratives.

At Quartz I ranked the season’s right-wing Hillary hate books.

At Pacific Standard I interviewed James Thomas about his new book, Are Racists Crazy?

At Splice I wrote about:

Bulworth, which is racist crap.

Howard Dean smearing Donald Trump as a cocaine user is despicable.